April 2006: We're here, we're settled and we have finally found everything in the move! (You will be relieved to hear that Fiona found Laura's elastics, ribbons and clips - it only took 3 months!)We finally sold the Bathurst house at the end of March. It was great to have that finalised and only 1 mortgage again! We are very happy in our new house and have all settled in really well. We have just put up a new fence, so now we can happily let Connor play outside. Niall has started forming a vegie patch and we'll be starting to do some gardening in the near future - stay tuned!Niall is loving his work at the University as Chaplain. The young people he is working with are very committed and they have been doing some great stuff already this year. Check out the blog for UCATSA -
http://newucatsa.blogspot.com/. Niall continues his position on the Board of Education, travelling down to Sydney for meetings, and has been taking services at some local churches. Niall did his first triathalon - coming out 6th in the swim, but was not as strong in the run (which he expected) - he really enjoyed it and is looking forward to doing more in the future. He has joined the Uni pool and does regular running and rides his bike lots. You can find out what Niall has been up to by reading his blog called "So What" at http://freddiefreeloader.blogspot.com/.Fi has settled into work again - two days is suiting her very well. Fi is working for NCYC - the Uniting Church's National Christian Youth Convention - which will be held in Jan 2007 in Perth (
http://agentsofchange.org.au). She'll be travelling up to Brisbane and doing some trips to Sydney in the near future. The work is going really well and she is loving it (esp. with no kids for 2 days!). Fi's mum looks after Connor on Tuesdays and Niall takes Connor to Playgroup on Wednesdays. Laura goes to preschool those two days. Fi hasn't got into any singing groups as yet - too much else to do! Fi and the kids have joined a Thursday playgroup at New Lambton, which they are getting into - Fi has resisted the urge to get too involved but has been seen doing a few singing sessions at the end when the usual lady can't be there. The mums seem very nice and there are lots of new people there this year - so we are all getting to know each other together. Fi managed to get nominated for the Preschool Management committee - but not taking on any roles. So that should keep her busy!Fi and Niall spent 3 nights at Nelson Bay without the kids (they stayed with Gran and Bubu at their farm at Gloucester!) - a much needed time of rest and relaxation and eating (of course!). The kids had a wonderful time at the farm, especially with the new puppy Bonnie (a labrador) - but everytime Connor sees us now he gives us a big hug - he thinks we might go away again!Connor is now 21 months and is having a great time running, singing (loves Twinkle, twinkle), playing with trucks, wathching the helicopters and planes go over our house and playing with his sister! He is very cute and is trying to talk but can't say much yet! Laura is 4 and loves her preschool - she has lots of friends there and organises everyone else's playtime! We think she has some organisational flair (probably from her mother!). She loves her music appreciation classes - 7 girls!! And she is doing really well at her swimming lessons. Laura loves to sing (unfortunately she is trying out her high register at present!) and play with her brother and is a big help around the house. Laura made her first purchase with her pocket money - a 2nd hand baby bjorn named Elisa - she works really well! She is booked in for school next year at Jesmond Primary, which is a small local school (there are actually 3 schools very close to us!).We have been attending the local uniting church at Jesmond Park, which we are enjoying. Niall is playing soccer for their team in the church comp. Niall was a Chaplain for the regional Easter Camp recently - the kids and Fi visited for 2 days (camping isn't our thing!), which was great fun.We are really enjoying life in Newcastle - going to the beach, visiting family (and asking for regular babysitting :-) ), meeting new people, catching up with old friends/acquaintances and loving our new house! We've had our first Bathurst visitors overnight - the Sinclairs! Laura was very excited to have a friend from Bathurst visit her!We hope you are all well and that you will come and visit us/catch up soon! We'll plan a housewarming in the near future, but visitors are always welcome - so do drop by! Let us know your news!
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